Digitale versie van glossy 'Een zee van mosselen'
Een engelstalig ingezonden bericht van het Mosselwad-team maakt melding van de lancering van de digitale versie van de hardcover Glossy "Een zee van Mosselen".
Een engelstalig ingezonden bericht van het Mosselwad-team maakt melding van de lancering van de digitale versie van de hardcover Glossy "Een zee van Mosselen.
Two months ago we produced the hardcover glossy “ Een zee van mosselen” . During the final stages of our project “MOSSELWAD” we discovered that policymakers, managers, stakeholders and conservation NGO’s rarely used published reports and publications in their activities. They often were advised by persons shopping selectively from the vast amounts of available facts and fiction.
Large numbers of publications and reports on mussel beds already exist and again producing a large report with more info and referring to the available references seemed of little use.
We decided to produce a “GLOSSY” with clear information, informative figures and a lot of photographs. Most of you will have received a copy, if not let me know, and we hope you enjoyed it.
We planned to produce a digital version too. With some delay this now is available (Download hier).
This digital version is much more than the original glossy! When important remarks are made in the text of the glossy they are referred to in the margin with a number. This number can be clicked and one is then linked to an (also digital) appendix where this aspect is treated with more depth, including suggested references for further reading. Many of these references can also be clicked and downloaded immediately.
The appendix first describes survival and mortality in different stadia of mussels, from eggs and larvae to old stable beds. Very different environmental factors are responsible for mortality and survival of these different stadia and in discussions it is not always clear who is referring to a specific stadium and mortality/survival agent. We have tried to group the links from the main report as much as possible into the different categories, but realize that many refer too more stadia and these are located in the first stadium where they are inportant.